March 22, 2011

Long Way Down

I know, I know I haven't posted in a week. But that's what happens when you've fallen 14,000 feet after jumping out of an airplane that's working perfectly fine. So today's post is an homage to my not so elegant skydive. I'd like to say I took a nice swan dive out of the plane, found my wings in the sky and gracefully made my way back towards the Earth's surface. Not exactly. As you can see my from lovely "I'm going to die" face, it was quite an exhilarating experience. And the vintage Oakleys? Definitely glad I rocked them, regardless of the fact they decided to give up against the 120 mph free fall as we burned through the atmosphere like a comet. I don't think I have to say that without a doubt, the best part of Sunday's outfit was my parachute, which as you can see, opened beautifully.

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